- 2024/3/31 カラー水平切断光を用いたビジュアルウロフロメトリーの研究
- 2024/3/26 Development of a transplanter-based transplanter for vegetable seedlings cultured in a cuttable nursery mat
- 2024/3/18 Effect of particle size distribution on the transmission efficiency of atomized water to the tracheal tube
- 2024/1/24 Interareal Synaptic Inputs Underlying Whisking-Related Activity in the Primary Somatosensory Barrel Cortex
- 2024/1/4 Multiple ageing effects on testicular/epididymal germ cells lead to decreased male fertility in mice
- 2023/12/29 Influence of MHz-order acoustic waves on bacterial suspensions
- 2023/12/28 Performance evaluation of tether-net deployment with adjustable ejection angle
- 2023/12/15 Nasal polyps show decreased mucociliary transport despite vigorous ciliary beating
- 2023/9/13 An Experimental Study on Response and Control of a Flapping-Wing Aerial Robot Under Wind Gusts
- 2023/9/2 Rats adaptively seek information to accommodate a lack of information
- 2023/9/1 Bio-Inspired Aquatic Propulsion Mechanism Using Viscoelastic Fin Containing Fiber Composite Shear Thickening Fluid
- 2023/8/10 Cooperative contributions of the klf1 and klf17 genes in zebrafish primitive erythropoiesis
- 2023/7/10 Disruption of testis-enriched cytochrome c oxidase subunit COX6B2 but not 4 COX8C leads to subfertility
- 2023/7/3 The Lift Effects of Chordwise Wing Deformation and Body Angle on Low-Speed Flying Butterflies
- 2023/6/6 Progesterone increases the success of in vitro fertilization via enhanced sperm hyperactivation in mice
- 2023/5/29 Embodied latch mechanism of the mandible to power at ultra-high speed in the trap-jaw ant Odontomachus kuroiwae
- 2023/4/26 Flight dynamics in forward flights of cabbage white butterfly
- 2023/4/24 Particle Size-Dependent Component Separation Using Serially Arrayed Micro-Chambers
- 2023/4/23 Development and Performance Test of a Simulation-Based Tractor-Attachable Wind-Blast-Type Onion Stem Cutting Machine
- 2023/3/7 Experimental Analyses of Aerodynamic Force Generation and Wing Motion Associated with a Single-motor-driven Butterfly-inspired Flapping-wing Robot
- 2023/1/12 Design, development, and experiments of novel tether-net release mechanism
- 2022/12/31 Novel SPEF2 Variant in a Japanese Patient with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia: A Case Report and Literature Review
- 2022/12/28 Impact behavior of no-stirrup Reinforced Concrete Beam with Cushion
- 2022/12/21 TRPA1/M8 agonists upregulate ciliary beating through the pannexin-1 channel in the human nasal mucosa
- 2022/11/29 All-optical non-contact level sensor for liquid hydrogen
- 2022/11/24 Hybrid atmospheric pressure plasma generation and DC electrospray aerosolization of plasma-activated water for surface pathogen disinfection
- 2022/9/8 Kinematic Factors Associated with Hitting Hurdles during the Initial Phase of a 110-m Hurdle Race
- 2022/8/25 CO2-Laser-Micromachined, Polymer Microchannels with a Degassed PDMS slab for the Automatic Production of Monodispersed Water-in-Oil Droplets
- 2022/8/15 Development of a fine bubble generator through the active control of gas chamber pressure
- 2022/5/10 Droplet motion on a wrinkled PDMS surface with a gradient structural length scale shorter than the droplet diameter
- 2022/3/7 Gait switching with phase reversal of locomotory waves in the centipede Scolopocryptops rubiginosus
- 2022/2/28 Kastor and Polluks polypeptides encoded by a single gene locus cooperatively regulate VDAC and spermatogenesis
- 2022/2/9 The motor domain of testis-enriched kinesin KIF9 is essential for its localization in the mouse flagellum
- 2022/1/31 Expression of T-Type Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel in the Cilia of Human Nasal Epithelial Cells
- 2022/1/31 Vision-based vibration measurement of machine tool
- 2022/1/30 Morphological differences in tardigrade spermatozoa induce variation in gamete motility
- 2022/1/13 Performance of reinforced concrete beam with cushion subjected to impact loading
- 2021/12/23 Comparisons of Flow Dynamics of Dual-Blade to Single-Blade Beveled-Tip Vitreous Cutters
- 2021/10/26 The four-celled Volvocales green alga Tetrabaena socialis exhibits weak photobehavior and high-photoprotection ability
- 2021/9/9 Tracheal motile cilia in mice require CAMSAP3 for the formation of central microtubule pair and coordinated beating
- 2021/4/5 Muscle size of individual hip extensors in sprint runners: Its relation to spatiotemporal variables and sprint velocity during maximal velocity sprinting
- 2021/3/15 深層学習を用いた高圧気液二相流遷移領域における流動様式識別
- 2021/3/3 オーバーハング構造の近接化による細胞プリント用ノズルへの高効率単一細胞配置の実現
- 2021/3/3 細胞機能デザインのためのオンチップ微小液滴電気穿孔システムの開発(第7報)
- 2021/1/13 Rapid Prototyping 3D Model for PIV: Application in Human Trachea Model Flow Analysis
- 2020/12/25 Analysis of the hydrogen evolution reaction at Ni micro-patterned electrodes
- 2020/12/18 Difficult Cutting Property of NiTi Alloy and Its Mechanism
- 2020/12/9 In Situ Rubber-Wheel Contact on Road Surface Using Ultraviolet-Induced Fluorescence Method
- 2020/11/2 CFAP45 deficiency causes situs abnormalities and asthenospermia by disrupting an axonemal adenine nucleotide homeostasis module
- 2020/10/29 Region-Specific Loss of Two-Headed Ciliary Dyneins in Ascidian Endostyle
- 2020/10/27 Influenza A virus enhances ciliary activity and mucociliary clearance via TLR3 in airway epithelium
- 2020/10/15 Complete Republication: Fall Injury while the Parent Is Operating a Bicycle with an Infant in a Baby Carrier
- 2020/9/5 Solid Fraction Examination at Flow Cessation and Flow Cessation Mechanism of Al-Si-Mg Alloy
- 2020/8/19 Identification of the hypertension drug niflumic acid as a glycine receptor inhibitor
- 2020/8/13 The Effect of Particle Size and Surface Roughness of Spray-Dried Bosentan Microparticles on Aerodynamic Performance for Dry Powder Inhalation
- 2020/8/12 Cfap97d1 is important for flagellar axoneme maintenance and male mouse fertility
- 2020/7/23 Ribbing instability of Newtonian fluid coated on a topographic surface
- 2020/6/26 Glycine Receptor Autoantibodies Impair Receptor Function and Induce Motor Dysfunction
- 2020/6/26 Hydrophilic Coating of Copper Particle Monolayer Wicks for Enhanced Passive Water Transport
- 2020/2/2 Development of Experimental Apparatus to Analyze Diesel Spray Characteristics
- 2020/1/31 Functional Analysis of Rhythmic Jaw Movements Evoked by Electrical Stimulation of the Cortical Masticatory Area During Low Occlusal Loading in Growing Rats
- 2020/1/9 Sedimentation process of ashfall during a Vulcanian eruption as revealed by high-temporal-resolution grain size analysis and high-speed camera imaging
- 2019/12/16 Development of catheter-type tactile sensor composed of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) film
- 2019/12/6 Visualization of TiO2 Reduction Behavior in Molten Salt Electrolysis
- 2019/12/2 Decoding the essential interplay between central and peripheral control in adaptive locomotion of amphibious centipedes
- 2019/11/6 Phosphorylation of Gephyrin in Zebrafish Mauthner Cells Governs Glycine Receptor Clustering and Behavioral Desensitization to Sound
- 2019/8/20 Nozzle Array Integrated with Deterministic Single Cell Encapsulation for 3D Cell Printing
- 2019/8/1 Regional differences in Ca2+ entry along the proximal-middle-distal muscle axis during eccentric contractions in rat skeletal muscle
- 2019/7/22 Density and viscosity of liquid ZrO2 measured by aerodynamic levitation technique
- 2019/6/20 Calaxin is required for cilia-driven determination of vertebrate laterality
- 2019/5/16 Development and evaluation of a jaw-tracking system for mice: reconstruction of three-dimensional movement trajectories on an arbitrary point on the mandible
- 2019/4/5 A Study on Glide Characteristics of a Small Flapping Robot
- 2019/3/22 Twist-Induced Snapping in a Bent Elastic Rod and Ribbon
- 2019/2/26 Body-limb coordination mechanism underlying speed-dependent gait transitions in sea roaches
- 2019/2/19 Analysis of the effect of surface wettability on hydrogen evolution reaction in water electrolysis using micro-patterned electrodes
- 2019/2/11 Microtubule stabilizer reveals requirement of Ca2+-dependent conformational changes of microtubules for rapid coiling of haptonema in haptophyte algae
- 2019/1/22 Large Timescale Interrogation of Neuronal Function by Fiberless Optogenetics Using Lanthanide Micro-particles
- 2019/1/15 Molecular basis of wax-based color change and UV reflection in dragonflies
- 2019/1/8 なぜ高周波加速空洞のブレークダウンは起こるのか?
- 2019/1/8 Direct observation of breakdown trigger seeds in a normal-conducting rf accelerating cavity
- 2017/2/6 Effect of Wetting Phenomenon on Oscillation of Liquid Column in a U-shaped Tube
- 2017/1/15 ベックツイン舵を備えた船の低速操縦運動の水槽試験
- 2016/10/19 Does the kinorhynch have a hydrophobic body surface? Measurement of the wettability of a meiobenthic metazoan
- 2016/06/30 完全噛合型同方向回転平行 二軸押出機中の樹脂充満率の測定
- 2016/5/4 A bioinspired attachable, self-standing nanofibrous membrane for versatile use in oil-water separation
- 2016/1/6 Mutations in Subunits of the Activating Signal Cointegrator 1 Complex Are Associated with Prenatal Spinal Muscular Atrophy and Congenital Bone Fractures
- 2015/11/11 世界トップクラステニス選手のフォアハンドグラウンドストロークにおける速度と回転量の関係について
- 2015/11/10 シルバーカーの段差衝突時における衝撃軽減機構の開発と解析
- 2015/10/1 Sperm calcineurin inhibition prevents mouse fertility with implications for male contraceptive
- 2015/6/30 内頸動脈瘤に対するステントメッシュ形状の最適設計
- 2015/6/24 頭蓋内挙動の可視化に基づく乳幼児揺さぶられ症候群のメカニズム
- 2015/6/7 Does laterality exist during side step cutting in female basketball player?
- 2015/3/31 半導体洗浄機モデル内流れに関する研究
- 2015/2/28 パルス中性子用画像検出器の開発
- 2015/1/20 粘弾性特性を有する高分子溶液中を上昇する単一気泡の運動特性
- 2015/1/15 「ハネカクシ」の羽を畳む仕組み解明
- 2014/12/2 Sidestep cutting maneuvers in female basketball players: Stop phase poses greater risk for anterior cruciate ligament injury
- 2014/11/9 水中への飛び込み入水角度と頭部最大到達深度の関係
- 2014/7/28 枚葉式半導体洗浄機モデル内渦構造のPIV計測
- 2014/4/20 水中大股歩行時の体幹・下肢筋活動
- 2013/12/31 Relationship Between Muscle Cocontraction and Proficiency in Whole-Body Sensorimotor Synchronization: A Comparison Study of Street Dancers and Nondancers
- 2013/11/13 Monitoring Escape and Feeding Behaviours of Cruiser Fish by Inertial and Magnetic Sensors
- 2012/9/30 T型合流部下流で生じる剥離域の制御に関する研究
- 2011/12/31 Label-Free Shape-Based Selection of Cardiomyocytes with on-Chip Imaging Cell Sorting System
- 2011/12/31 ボールバウンシング課題の速度増加局面における動作特性の変容
- 2011/4/3 落石の運動機構に関する研究 その1-現場落石実験-
- 2010/2/8 速度場と水面変動の同時計測システムを用いた粗面乱流場における水面波形の移流特性に関する一考察
- 2008/12/31 球状トカマクプラズマにおける中性粒子挙動と水素リサイクリングの研究
- 2008/3/31 没水フィンに作用する波浪中流体力と周辺流体の速度場に関する研究
- 2024/1/24 Discrimination of object information by bat echolocation deciphered from acoustic simulations
- 2023/11/15 Kinematic analysis of chewing and swallowing function after cervical spine surgery
- 2023/9/9 茶道における抹茶撹拌の動作解析
- 2023/9/4 Unsaturated slopes behavior under antecedent intermittent rainfall patterns: centrifuge and numerical study
- 2023/8/25 3台のマニピュレータによる6本のワイヤを用いた協調システムの冗長自由度を利用したジョイスティック制御
- 2023/8/23 Location Tracking of Drifting Container by Solitary Wave Load Using a Motion Analysis Program
- 2023/7/14 Red Blood Cell Partitioning Using a Microfluidic Channel with Ladder Structure
- 2023/7/5 Experimental Investigation of Spatter Particle Behavior and Improvement in Build Quality in PBF-LB
- 2023/6/30 Characteristics of Contact Line in Dynamic Wetting and Dewetting Processes on a Hydrophobic Surface
- 2023/6/9 Comparison of Stroke Patients' Motor Performance in the Dual Task Stepping Test Immediately after and Up to 15 Seconds after Cognitive Task Loading
- 2023/6/5 Effect of Obesity on Masticatory Muscle Activity and Rhythmic Jaw Movements Evoked by Electrical Stimulation of Different Cortical Masticatory Areas
- 2023/5/22 Centrifugal Model Study of Seepage and Seismic Behavior in a Homogeneous Reservoir Dam with Parapet
- 2023/5/21 Corrugated surface microparticles with chitosan and levofloxacin for improved aerodynamic performance
- 2023/5/11 Kinematic Features of Mandibular Movement during Mastication in Geriatric Individuals Who Are Provided with a Dysphagia Diet at Long-Term Care Facilities
- 2023/4/18 Ultrasonic Atomization—From Onset of Protruding Free Surface to Emanating Beads Fountain—Leading to Mist Spreading
- 2023/4/12 Acquisition of Microscopic and Local Stress-Strain Curves by Combination of HR-EBSD and DIC Methods
- 2023/4 Large Palatal Pleomorphic Adenoma Complicated by Dysphagia: A Case Report
- 2023/3/31 Multiple preferred escape trajectories are explained by a geometric model incorporating prey’s turn and predator attack endpoint
- 2023/2/20 The association of ODF4 with AK1 and AK2 in mice is essential for fertility through its contribution to flagellar shape
- 2023/2/20 Long-time behavior of swimming Euglena gracilis in a heterogenous light environment
- 2023/1/12 Design, development, and experiments of novel tether-net release mechanism
- 2022/12/28 Flight dynamics in forward flights of cabbage white butterfly
- 2022/12/17 Analysis of swallowing function after anterior/posterior surgery for cervical degenerative disorders and factors related to the occurrence of postoperative dysphagia
- 2022/11/15 Analysis of group behavior based on sharing heterogeneous roles in a triad using a coordinated drawing task
- 2022/11/9 Comparison of vapor bubble kinetics and cleaning efficacy of different root canal irrigation techniques in the apical area beyond the fractured instrument
- 2022/10/28 Numerical modeling of debris transport due to tsunami flow in a coastal urban area
- 2022/9/16 Frequency Specificity of Liquid-Fountain Swinging with Mist Generation: Effects of Ultrasonic Irradiation Angle
- 2022/9/15 自転車用動力伝達装置の開発および筋骨格モデルを用いた有効性の検証
- 2022/9/1 壁体剛性の高い自立式土留め工の崩壊を模擬した模型掘削実験と合理的な根入れ長の簡易算定法の提案
- 2022/8/3 Inhalable Nano-Dimpled Microspheres Containing Budesonide-PLGA for Improved Aerodynamic Performance
- 2022/7/29 A CCR5 antagonist, maraviroc, alleviates neural circuit dysfunction and behavioral disorders induced by prenatal valproate exposure
- 2022/4/19 Dynamic Analysis of a Wiper Blade in Consideration of Attack Angle and Clarification of the Jumping Phenomenon
- 2022/4/8 Formation of Bright White Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Films with a Uniform Maze-Like Structure by Anodizing Aluminum in Ammonium Tetraborate Solutions
- 2022/3/24 Reconstruction of echoes reaching bats in flight from arbitrary targets by acoustic simulation
- 2022/3/15 A study on diameter-dependent support selection of the tendrils of Cayratia japonica
- 2022/3/24 Revisiting the flight dynamics of take-off of a butterfly: experiments and CFD simulations for a cabbage white butterfly
- 2022/2/9 Echo reception in group flight by Japanese horseshoe bats, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum Nippon
- 2021/12/23 Comparisons of Flow Dynamics of Dual-Blade to Single-Blade Beveled-Tip Vitreous Cutters
- 2021/12/20 A study On Support Selection Mechanism In Tendrils of Cayratia Japonica
- 2021/12/8 Change in spray behavior of pharmaceutical particles by creating bypass hole in dry powder inhaler
- 2021/10/31 Factors Affecting the Swallowing Dysfunction Following Oral Cancer Surgery
- 2021/10/30 Nuclear activation in dual-durotaxing cells on a matrix with cell-scale stiffness-heterogeneity
- 2021/10/15 Motion of Floating Caisson with Extended Bottom Slab under Regular and Irregular Waves
- 2021/10/14 Visualization of mandibular movement relative to the maxilla during mastication in mice: integration of kinematic analysis and reconstruction of a three-dimensional model of the maxillofacial structure
- 2021/9/20 Developmental trajectory of monopronucleated zygotes after in vitro fertilization when they include both male and female genomes
- 2021/9/14 Effect of electromyography-triggered peripheral magnetic stimulation on voluntary swallow in healthy humans
- 2021/7/27 Expiratory abdominal muscle nerve is active at flexor phase, while inspiratory phrenic nerve is not active during locomotion evoked by 5-HT and NMDA in the neonatal rat
- 2021/7 Understanding Others' Roles Based on Perspective Taking in Coordinated Group Behavior
- 2021/6/24 Changes in lumbopelvic motion and trunk muscle activity during 2000 m rowing ergometer trial
- 2021/6/20 Three-Dimensional Trajectory Construction and Observation of Group Behavior of Wild Bats During Cave Emergence
- 2021/6/20 Auditory Virtual Reality for Insect Phonotaxis
- 2021/5/25 Hydrodynamics of gliding penguin flipper suggests the adjustment of sweepback with swimming speeds
- 2021/5/7 Measurement of Aerodynamic Characteristics Using Cinder Models through Free Fall Experiment
- 2021/4/16 Validation of driver support system based on real-world bicycle and motor vehicle flows
- 2021/4/8 An Electrical Stimulation Culture System for Daily Maintenance-Free Muscle Tissue Production
- 2021/3/30 Effects of low occlusal loading on the neuromuscular behavioral development of cortically-elicited jaw movements in growing rats
- 2021/3/25 6本のワイヤを利用した3台の位置制御型マニピュレータによる大型物体の位置決めシステム
- 2021/3/17 Detection of poststroke oropharyngeal dysphagia with swallowing screening by ultrasonography
- 2021/3/10 生活道路における交通安全対策を活用した視覚障害者の交差点横断支援に関する基礎的研究
- 2021/2/15 Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Does Not Affect Muscle Synergy for Rowing Activities
- 2021/2/2 Quantitative analysis of spontaneous sociality in children’s group behavior during nursery activity
- 2021/1/28 Effects of cooling rate on solidification cracking behaviour in 310S stainless steel
- 2021/1/26 Development of Tailless Two-winged Flapping Drone with Gravity Center Position Control
- 2021/1/21 Laterally biased diffusion of males of the water flea Daphnia magna
- 2020/12/25 γ相黄銅めっき細線ワイヤを用いた微細ワイヤ放電加工特性の基礎的検討
- 2020/12 噴石模型を用いた噴石の落下性状の観測
- 2020/11/18 The bubble-induced population dynamics of fermenting yeasts
- 2020/10/28 Tongue muscle strength affects posterior pharyngeal wall advancement during swallowing: A cross-sectional study of outpatients with dysphagia
- 2020/9/30 ペンギンの羽ばたき遊泳と模倣ロボット
- 2020/9/7 Er:YAGレーザーを用いた根管洗浄時に生じる根管内蒸気泡および根尖孔外に発生する圧力の挙動
- 2020/9/4 Effect of transverse ribs on axial displacement of rebars in bending
- 2020/8/13 The Effect of Particle Size and Surface Roughness of Spray-Dried Bosentan Microparticles on Aerodynamic Performance for Dry Powder Inhalation
- 2020/5/28 Effect of Pulse Energy, Pulse Frequency, and Tip Diameter on Intracanal Vaporized Bubble Kinetics and Apical Pressure During Laser-Activated Irrigation Using Er:YAG Laser
- 2020/5/5 SERS Active Hierarchical Nanopillar-huddle Array Fabricated via the Combination of Nanoimprint Lithography and Anodization
- 2020/4/1 The Neuronal Regeneration of Adult Zebrafish After Spinal Cord Injury Is Enhanced by Transplanting Optimized Number of Neural Progenitor Cells
- 2020/3/23 Convection Dynamics Forced by Optical Trapping with a Focused Laser Beam
- 2020/3/5 Effects of surrounding gas on plasma-induced downward liquid flow
- 2020/2/20 Successful Treatment with the Chin-down Maneuver of Dysphagia Secondary to Descending Necrotizing Mediastinitis: A Case Study
- 2020/2/12 Dietary Value of Waste-Fed Rotifer Brachionus rotundiformis on the Larval Rearing of Japanese Whiting Sillago japonica
- 2020/2/7 左官技能者の鏝塗り作業に関する研究
- 2020/1/31 Functional Analysis of Rhythmic Jaw Movements Evoked by Electrical Stimulation of the Cortical Masticatory Area During Low Occlusal Loading in Growing Rats
- 2020/1/24 The effects of sarcopenic dysphagia on the dynamics of swallowing organs observed on videofluoroscopic swallowing studies
- 2019/11/30 Evaluation of swallowing movement using ultrasonography
- 2019/11/14 Fluid flow analysis of laser-activated irrigation in the simulated root canal
- 2019/11/4 Disappearance of Vortex Lift in Low-Aspect-Ratio Wings at Very-low Reynolds Numbers
- 2019/9/17 Study of the Partitioning of Red Blood Cells Through Asymmetric Bifurcating Microchannels
- 2019/7/15 Locomotor kinematics and EMG activity during quadrupedal versus bipedal gait in the Japanese macaque
- 2019/3/28 Three Dimensional Motion Analysis of Hand Tremors During Endoscopic Ear Surgery
- 2019/1/30 Measurement of time-varying kinematics of a dolphin in burst accelerating swimming
- 2018/10/11 摩擦・摩耗メカニズム理解ための摩擦界面その場観察
- 2017/3/15 Field measurement of blade tip response of a medium size wind turbine in operation
- 2017/2/15 Boulder arrangement on a rocky ramp fishway based on the swimming behavior of fish
- 2017/1/28 Optimization of machining parameters and wire vibration in wire electrical discharge machining process
- 2017/1/26 Experimental study on the effect of a surrounding fluid on bovine sperm motility in three dimensions
- 2017/1/15 和船人力推進における熟練者の櫓漕ぎ技量評価-V : 櫓漕ぎ動作の画像解析
- 2017/1/13 Dysphagia in Multiple System Atrophy of Cerebellar and Parkinsonian Types
- 2016/12/2 ゼリー嚥下時の舌圧発現様相と舌骨移動との関係
- 2016/10/08 競技特性と個人差が 20 mシャトルランテストのターンにおよぼす影響
- 2016/9/15 Progressive impairment of cerebellar mGluR signalling and its therapeutic potential for cerebellar ataxia in spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 model mice
- 2016/8/24 側面衝突後の車両運動解析(前部側面衝突を受けた被衝突車の運動評価)
- 2016/7/3 Rebound Vibration of Two-Plates Bonded Model for an Internal Mirror of SLR Camera
- 2016/6/30 Intraperitoneal Mesenchymal Cells Promote the Development of Peritoneal Metastasis Partly by Supporting Long Migration of Disseminated Tumor Cells
- 2016/5/27 嚥下造影検査における挙上期型嚥下障害の動態解析
- 2016/4/22 Assessment of the relationship between deformation characteristics and the presence of calcification in human atheromatous plaques using uniaxial stretching evaluations with digital image correlation, CT scanning and histological examination
- 2016/4/8 正常歩行における立脚相膝関節屈曲運動の体重心前方移動への寄与
- 2016/3/17 弾性体上の進行波を利用した水中推進機の弾性体形状と推進効率の関係
- 2016/3/11 High-speed Observation of Thin Wire Movement in Fine Wire EDM
- 2016/1/6 Relationship between Aspect Ratio and Flow Fields in a Rearing Tank(飼育タンクのアスペクト比と流れ場の間の関係)
- 2015/12/28 Flutter Inhibition in a Bird-Inspired Reflection Wing
- 2015/12/15 Inhomogeneous distribution of Chlamydomonas in a cylindrical container with a bubble plume
- 2015/10/24 舌全摘・亜全摘後の再建舌の運動と嚥下機能の検討
- 2015/9/30 Effect of viscosity on motion characteristics of bovine sperm
- 2015/9/30 長方形噴流の制御に関する実験的研究
- 2015/8/20 枚葉式半導体洗浄装置内に形成される渦の周期構造
- 2015/8/7 座位の自立を可視化する看護教育の取組み
- 2015/6/29 Movement of mitral fibrous components in an isolated porcine working heart model
- 2015/6/15 Wind tunnel experiment on turbulent flow field around 2D street canyon with Eaves
- 2015/6/12 Centrifugal microfluidic platform for single-cell level cardiomyocyte-based drug profiling and screening
- 2015/5/20 捕食量による咀嚼運動の相違 - 小児と成人の比較 -
- 2015/4/22 Measurement of Three-dimensional Orientation of Golf Club Head with One Camera
- 2015/4/1 Ca2+ and cAMP regulations of microtubule sliding in hyperactivated motility of bull spermatozoa
- 2015/3/25 無巻きひげ形質のスイートピー切り花品種の特性とその省力効果の 作業時間および運動解析による評価
- 2015/3/25 非予測条件でのサイドステップカッティング動作が 膝関節運動に与える影響
- 2014/11/10 In situ observations of crack propagation and role of grain boundary microstructure in nickel embrittled by sulfur
- 2014/11/5 ハイスピードカメラを用いた葉の振動解析による植物の水ストレスの推定
- 2014/11/4 Measurement of Tsukuba Tornado with particle image velocimetry
- 2014/8/4 3次元運動解析による風車ブレード振動測定の試み
- 2014/4/16 Postdeglutitive Residue in Idiopathic Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis:A Quantitative Videofluoroscopic Study
- 2014/3/31 発電所温排水を利用した養殖用水槽内流れの制御に関する基礎研究
- 2014/3/24 ビデオ画像解析による正常乳児における吸啜運動の観察
- 2013/12/28 ウシ精子の運動特性に対する粘性の影響
- 2013/9/30 一回嚥下量の変化が嚥下時の舌骨運動に与える影響について
- 2013/8/31 飛込競技後方 12 回転蝦型 (201B) における入水時アライメントについて
- 2012/9/3 層表面近傍に旋回流を付与した流動層の基本特性
- 2012/1/20 ピンクノイズによる視覚運動は捕食行動を誘発する
- 2011/12/31 魚道機能に関する実験的研究
- 2011/10/20 人工膝関節置換術後早期における運動機能予測因子の検討 : 術前身体・精神機能と退院前運動機能との関係
- 2011/8/25 高齢者の歩容および身体活動量と転倒危険因子の検討
- 2011/6/30 Analysis of Walking Skill with Trans-Femoral Prosthesis based on Inertia-Induced Measure
- 2011/4/3 高温高圧場におけるCNG噴流の可視化と解析
- 2011/4/3 コモンレール式DME 噴射系を用いた圧縮着火機関の燃焼改善
- 2011/4/3 日本一流選手のドラッグフリック動作-その1ボールの初速と両脚のスタンス距離について
- 2011/4/3 本川・わんど連結部形状がわんど内の水交換に及ぼす影響
- 2011/4/3 垂直に立てた管水路内の流れ解析
- 2011/4/3 固液系2次元流動層における粒の速度分布
- 2011/4/3 粒子追跡法の高速画像解析アルゴリズム
- 2011/4/3 スクワット動作時の体幹および下肢関節の角度変化
- 2011/4/3 スネアドラム演奏のロール演奏法に関する熟達者間での共通性と多用性
- 2011/4/3 パレット自動倉庫の地震時製品落下率評価
- 2011/4/3 無信号交差点における自転車事故発生要因抽出のための走行挙動分析
- 2011/4/3 二輪車走行挙動の記述を目的としたポテンシャルモデルの提案
- 2011/4/3 転落する液滴の内部流動の可視化
- 2011/4/3 技能継承を指向した溶接技能解析の研究
- 2010/12/25 画像ひずみ計測による減肉配管の破壊挙動観察
- 2010/6 Effects of contact angle on fingered flow during non-ponding infiltration into dry sand layers(Soil Physics)
- 2010/2/25 高齢者と若年者の歩行動作時の左右動揺 : 歩行の動作解析を用いた検討
- 2009/1/25 素材と形状が異なる花粉症用マスクのフィット性能
- 2006/6/30 音源定位における音響および視覚的位置情報の活用
- 2024/8/22 Tests of abnormal gaze behavior increase the accuracy of mild cognitive impairment assessments
- 2024/3/2 Eye-tracking analysis for situation awareness of incontinence pad changing during older adult nursing training: An observational study
- 2024/1/9 Assessing the Link between Nurses’ Proficiency and Situational Awareness in Neonatal Care Practice Using an Eye Tracker: An Observational Study Using a Simulator
- 2022/12/20 視線分析からみるシミュレーション場面における看護学生と教員の認知
- 2022/11/30 社交不安における自己注目と他者注目を 脳領域と視線情報から可視化する
- 2022/10/26 Eye-Tracking-Based Analysis of Situational Awareness of Nurses
- 2022/4/8 Product Infographic Labeling on Food Packaging
- 2022/3/29 Web上におけるくちコミの量と質が情報過負荷の発生と購買意思決定に及ぼす影響
- 2021/11/25 自己組織化マップを用いた英文読解時の視線・脳波解析による英語能力の推定
- 2021/11/11 Characteristics of psychiatric nurses’ observation techniques for psychopathological symptoms
- 2021/9/25 Self-focused attention related to social anxiety during free speaking tasks activates the right frontopolar are
- 2021/06/11 Benefits of Product Infographic Labeling on Meat Packaging
- 2021/2/20 挿絵を含む教材の動機づけ効果の時間特性
- 2020/11/30 手選別作業の効率に関与する因子に関する研究(5)
- 2020/08/27 製品分解における作業者の視点特徴
- 2020/01/31 A Method to Obtain Effective Attributes for Attractive Cosmetic Bottles by Deep Learning
- 2019/12/25 日本人居住者,日本人来訪者,外国人来訪者の視行動に関する比較研究
- 2019/11/20 手選別作業の効率に関与する因子に関する研究(4)
- 2019/7/31 多次元生体信号解析に基づくドライバの精神的負荷リアルタイム推定法
- 2019/7/18 Model of Kawaii Cosmetic Bottle Evaluations by Thai and Japanese
- 2019/03/15 日本人と外国人の視行動に関する静的な解析と動的な解析
- 2017/07/31 A Study of Kawaii Feeling using Eye Tracking
- 2017/7/19 The effect of order of dwells on the first dwell gaze bias for eventually chosen items
- 2017/05/10 日本人とアメリカ人におけるOTC医薬品選択時の視線の比較
- 2017/4/20 ハイブリッドな情報環境における情報探索行動の分析
- 2017/3/30 筆者識別における筆跡の観察方略
- 2017/3/30 挿絵を含む教材の読解初期の動機づけ向上プロセス : 視線計測による検討
- 2017/3/6 行間と箇条書きがメールの読解プロセスに与える影響 -視線計測による検討-
- 2016/11/15 専門家・一般消費者におけるOTC医薬品選択時の視線の比較-医薬品情報コミュニケーションデザインのための基礎研究
- 2016/2/12 見てるかを見える化 視線追跡装置
- 2015/9/22 メールの行間と箇条書きが主観的理解度に与える影響
- 2015/9/2 デジタルコミックにおける色覚異常に対応した色彩配色の設定と 鑑賞時の視線解析
- 2015/6/30 感情推測課題における視覚的注意の分析
- 2015/4/30 OTC医薬品外箱記載情報に対する視点のブランドによる変化
- 2015/3/24 加工者の技能レベルが図面読解過程に及ぼす影響 - フライス加工の場合 -
- 2015/3/19 カーリングプレイヤの思考過程に関する認知科学的研究
- 2015/2/1 視線追尾実験による漢字認知過程の研究
- 2014/10/26 自閉症スペクトラム障害をもつ児童・生徒の ヒト顔刺激に対する視線追跡の特徴 :その発達過程
- 2013/6/30 視覚的意思決定の初期段階における視線の偏り
- 2012/10/1 授業観察における視線計測を通じた視点情報の活用
- 2012/10/1 授業観察における視線計測を用いた見比べ行為の分析
- 2011/4/3 図書館における情報探索行動
- 2011/4/3 タイピング能力と視点移動に関する-考察
- 2024/1/29 Swim-up method is superior to density gradient centrifugation for preserving sperm DNA integrity during sperm processing
- 2024/1/22 Add-on effects of oral tocopherol supplementation to surgical varicocelectomy on the outcome of assisted reproductive technology: a single-center pilot study report
- 2023/9/8 Maternal body mass index is not associated with assisted reproductive technology outcomes
- 2023/4/5 Results of lifestyle modification promotion and reproductive/ general health check for male partners of couples seeking conception
- 2023/3 Effect of BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine on sperm morphokinetics and DNA integrity
A prospective observational study in Japan - 2023/2/8 The ratio of 2nd to 4th digit length and reproductive function of infertile male patients
- 2022/11/22 Impact of paternal age on IVF and pregnancy outcomes with only normal sperm parameters
- 2022/2/27 Effects of antioxidant co-supplementation therapy on spermatogenesis dysfunction in relation to the basal oxidation–reduction potential levels in spermatozoa: A pilot study
- 2021/10/2 CASAした全精子のパラメータ評価による正常受精率予測
- 2021/10 Clinical Outcomes of Rescue Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection at Different Timings Following In Vitro Fertilization
- 2021/2/22 Aging increases oxidative stress in semen
- 2019/10/1 Cancer Chemotherapy and Chemiluminescence Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species in Human Semen
- 2019/9/3 Sperm cryopreservation for fertility preservation in male patients with cancer at a single-center in Japan
- 2019/8/24 Piezo‐assisted ICSI improves fertilization and blastocyst development rates compared with conventional ICSI in women aged more than 35 years
- 2018/10/24 Effect of Lepidium meyenii on in vitro fertilization via improvement in acrosome reaction and motility of mouse and human sperm
- 2017/10/31 Clinical value of the newly developed nomogram predicting the fertilization outcome in assisted reproductive technology (ART)
- 2017/9/27 Reactive oxygen species measured in the unprocessed semen samples of 715 infertile patients
- 2017/8/8 Relationship between Semenogelins bound to human sperm and other semen parameters and pregnancy outcomes
- 2016/3/23 Effect of density gradient centrifugation on reactive oxygen species in human semen
- 2016/3/1 Inverse correlation between reactive oxygen species in unwashed semen and sperm motion parameters as measured by a computer-assisted semen analyzer
- 2015/11/26 子宮内人工授精(IUI)の成績と精液所見に関する検討
- 2015/11/26 第33回 日本受精着床学会総会・学術講演会
- 2012/12/31 New method to estimate the possibility of natural pregnancy using computer-assisted sperm analysis
- 2012/5/25 A New Human Spermatozoon Selection Method Based on Penetration of Cervical Mucus for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
- 2011/4/3 精子運動の数理学的解析
- 2011/4/3 精子の曲性に関するCASAを用いた検討
- 2011/4/3 CASAを用いた妊孕能評価法
- 2011/4/3 精子運動解析装置SMASと一般精液検査および精子自動分析装置との比較検討
- 2011/4/3 精子運動解析装置を用いた精子受精能の検討
- 2006/10/1 AIHにおけるSNSの使用経験
- 2024/2/10 Progesterone and estradiol regulate sperm hyperactivation and in vitro fertilization success in mice
- 2023/9/10 Enhancement of rat spermatozoal hyperactivation by progesterone
- 2023/6/6 Progesterone increases the success of in vitro fertilization via enhanced sperm hyperactivation in mice
- 2023/5/24 The Difference in Subpopulation Structures in Sex-Sorted and Non-Sorted Semen by Discriminant Analysis of Bull Sperm Motility Data Collected by a Computer-Assisted Sperm Analysis System
- 2023/4/10 Successful Production of Offspring Derived from Phospholipase C Zeta-Deficient Sperm by Additional Artificial Activation
- 2023/3/10 Pathological analysis of spermatic dysfunction following testicular ischemia-reperfusion injury
- 2023/2/20 The association of ODF4 with AK1 and AK2 in mice is essential for fertility through its contribution to flagellar shape
- 2023/1/17 Vasopressin V1a receptor and oxytocin receptor regulate murine sperm motility differently
- 2022/11/9 Efficacy of Carnosine administration along with or without Coenzyme Q10 on sodium valproate induced testicular toxicity in vivo models
- 2022/8/3 Metal deposition and shape reproduction at biological temperatures on cell-level samples
- 2022/7/29 Evolutionary differentiation of androgen receptor ohnologs is responsible for the development of androgen-dependent unique sexual characteristics in a teleost fish
- 2022/7/3 Effects of aging and oviductal hormones on testes, epididymides, and sperm of hamster
- 2022/6/14 Exogenous gamma-aminobutyric acid addition enhances porcine sperm acrosome reaction
- 2022/5/4 Abnormal male reproduction and embryonic development induced by downregulation of a phospholipid fatty acid-introducing enzyme Lpgat1 in zebrafish
- 2022/3/24 The studies on establishment of artificial insemination protocol in the Japanese macaque
- 2022/3/15 Semen collection by urethral catheterization and electro-ejaculation with different voltages, and the effect of holding temperature and cooling rate before cryopreservation on semen quality in the Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata)
- 2022/3/2 Transgenerational effects of bisphenol A on zebrafish reproductive tissues and sperm motility
- 2021/12/5 Effects of reduced glutathione supplementation in semen freezing extender on frozen-thawed bull semen and in vitro fertilization
- 2021/12/3 Zearalenone interferes with the sperm-triggered inflammation in the bovine uterus in vitro: Negative impact on sperm motility and survival
- 2021/09/30 Serotonergic signals enhanced hamster sperm hyperactivation
- 2021/4/5 Effects of Media and Frame Rates on Hyperactivated Bovine Sperm Motility and an Analysis of Sperm Motility Subpopulation Structures in Sex-Sorted and Non-Sorted Semen
- 2021/2/11 Peptidoglycan Switches Off the TLR2-Mediated Sperm Recognition and Triggers Sperm Localization in the Bovine Endometrium
- 2021/1/11 Expression and Possible Role of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor ε Subunit (AChRe) in Mouse Sperm
- 2020/12/11 In vitro survival kinetics of microfluidic-sorted bovine spermatozoa
- 2020/12/11 Ability of Ureaplasma parvum to invade mouse sperm, fertilize eggs through infected sperm, and impair mouse sperm function and embryo development
- 2020/11/12 Src family kinases-mediated negative regulation of sperm acrosome reaction in chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus)
- 2020/10/26 Macrophage ubiquitin-specific protease 2 contributes to motility, hyperactivation, capacitation, and in vitro fertilization activity of mouse sperm
- 2020/10/25 Effect of Anserine and Carnosine on Sperm Motility in the Japanese Quail
- 2020/6/30 Actions of various sweeteners on rat sperm
- 2020/4/30 Stromal cell-derived factor 1 regulates in vitro sperm migration towards the cumulus-oocyte complex in cattle
- 2020/1/28 Localisation and function of glucose transporter GLUT1 in chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) spermatozoa: relationship between ATP production pathways and flagellar motility
- 2019/11/6 Effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine on spermatozoal hyperactivation and in vitro fertilization in mice
- 2019/10/3 Odf2 haploinsufficiency causes a new type of decapitated and decaudated spermatozoa, Odf2-DDS, in mice
- 2018/12/1 Deletion of Eqtn in mice reduces male fertility and sperm–egg adhesion
- 2018/3/31 Cysteine dioxygenase is essential for mouse sperm osmoadaptation and male fertility
- 2018/3/22 Evaluation of bovine semen quality based on sperm organelle functions and motility subpopulation structures
- 2018/3/19 Live births from artificial insemination of microfluidic-sorted bovine spermatozoa characterized by trajectories correlated with fertility
- 2017/10/13 Generation of transgenic marmosets using a tetracyclin-inducible transgene expression system as a neurodegenerative disease model
- 2017/9/1 Biological properties of mouse spermatozoa separated by using the microfluidic sperm sorter
- 2017/8/30 Enhancement of sperm motility and viability by turmeric by-product dietary supplementation in roosters
- 2017/4/1 Practical Reproductive Techniques for the Common Marmoset
- 2016/5/20 Exogenous neurotensin modulates sperm function in Japanese Black cattle
- 2015/10/25 Kinetic Analysis on the Motility of Liverwort Sperms Using a Microscopic
- 2015/3/28 Addition of D-penicillamine, hypotaurine, and epinephrine (PHE) mixture to IVF medium maintains motility and longevity of bovine sperm and enhances stable production of blastocysts in vitro.
- 2014/12/31 Roles of extracellular ions and pH in 5-HT-induced sperm motility in marine bivalve
- 2013/4/30 Sperm from Sneaker Male Squids Exhibit Chemotactic Swarming to CO2
- 2013/3/25 ワムシの生殖に与える光波長の影響
- 2011/12/31 Why small males have big sperm - dimorphic squid sperm linked to alternative mating behaviours
- 2011/4/3 内分泌かく乱物質の人生殖機能への影響に関する総合的研究
- 2015/8/25 躰道指導における動きの要点を視覚的に伝達する手法
- 2011/4/3 モーションキャプチャを用いた人間の上肢運動感覚の測定と解析
- 2009/7/31 台車自動追尾を利用した模型船体運動計測