Analysis software
- 2024/1/24 Discrimination of object information by bat echolocation deciphered from acoustic simulations
- 2023/11/15 Kinematic analysis of chewing and swallowing function after cervical spine surgery
- 2023/9/9 Motion Analysis of green tea stirring in Japanese tea ceremony
- 2023/9/4 Unsaturated slopes behavior under antecedent intermittent rainfall patterns: centrifuge and numerical study
- 2023/8/25 Joystick control using redundant degrees of freedom of a cooperative system consisting of three manipulators with six wires
- 2023/8/23 Location Tracking of Drifting Container by Solitary Wave Load Using a Motion Analysis Program
- 2023/7/14 Red Blood Cell Partitioning Using a Microfluidic Channel with Ladder Structure
- 2023/7/5 Experimental Investigation of Spatter Particle Behavior and Improvement in Build Quality in PBF-LB
- 2023/6/30 Characteristics of Contact Line in Dynamic Wetting and Dewetting Processes on a Hydrophobic Surface
- 2023/6/9 Comparison of Stroke Patients' Motor Performance in the Dual Task Stepping Test Immediately after and Up to 15 Seconds after Cognitive Task Loading
- 2023/6/5 Effect of Obesity on Masticatory Muscle Activity and Rhythmic Jaw Movements Evoked by Electrical Stimulation of Different Cortical Masticatory Areas
- 2023/5/22 Centrifugal Model Study of Seepage and Seismic Behavior in a Homogeneous Reservoir Dam with Parapet
- 2023/5/21 Corrugated surface microparticles with chitosan and levofloxacin for improved aerodynamic performance
- 2023/5/11 Kinematic Features of Mandibular Movement during Mastication in Geriatric Individuals Who Are Provided with a Dysphagia Diet at Long-Term Care Facilities
- 2023/4/18 Ultrasonic Atomization—From Onset of Protruding Free Surface to Emanating Beads Fountain—Leading to Mist Spreading
- 2023/4/12 Acquisition of Microscopic and Local Stress-Strain Curves by Combination of HR-EBSD and DIC Methods
- 2023/4 Large Palatal Pleomorphic Adenoma Complicated by Dysphagia: A Case Report
- 2023/3/31 Multiple preferred escape trajectories are explained by a geometric model incorporating prey’s turn and predator attack endpoint
- 2023/2/20 The association of ODF4 with AK1 and AK2 in mice is essential for fertility through its contribution to flagellar shape
- 2023/2/20 Long-time behavior of swimming Euglena gracilis in a heterogenous light environment
- 2023/1/12 Design, development, and experiments of novel tether-net release mechanism
- 2022/12/28 Flight dynamics in forward flights of cabbage white butterfly
- 2022/12/17 Analysis of swallowing function after anterior/posterior surgery for cervical degenerative disorders and factors related to the occurrence of postoperative dysphagia
- 2022/11/15 Analysis of group behavior based on sharing heterogeneous roles in a triad using a coordinated drawing task
- 2022/11/9 Comparison of vapor bubble kinetics and cleaning efficacy of different root canal irrigation techniques in the apical area beyond the fractured instrument
- 2022/10/28 Numerical modeling of debris transport due to tsunami flow in a coastal urban area
- 2022/9/16 Frequency Specificity of Liquid-Fountain Swinging with Mist Generation: Effects of Ultrasonic Irradiation Angle
- 2022/9/15 Development of a power transmission device for bicycles and verification of its effectiveness using musculoskeletal model
- 2022/9/1 Model excavation tests simulating the collapse of high bending rigidity cantilever-type earth retaining walls and proposal of a simple calculating method for the reasonable embedding length
- 2022/8/3 Inhalable Nano-Dimpled Microspheres Containing Budesonide-PLGA for Improved Aerodynamic Performance
- 2022/7/29 A CCR5 antagonist, maraviroc, alleviates neural circuit dysfunction and behavioral disorders induced by prenatal valproate exposure
- 2022/4/19 Dynamic Analysis of a Wiper Blade in Consideration of Attack Angle and Clarification of the Jumping Phenomenon
- 2022/4/8 Formation of Bright White Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Films with a Uniform Maze-Like Structure by Anodizing Aluminum in Ammonium Tetraborate Solutions
- 2022/3/24 Reconstruction of echoes reaching bats in flight from arbitrary targets by acoustic simulation
- 2022/3/15 A study on diameter-dependent support selection of the tendrils of Cayratia japonica
- 2022/3/24 Revisiting the flight dynamics of take-off of a butterfly: experiments and CFD simulations for a cabbage white butterfly
- 2022/2/9 Echo reception in group flight by Japanese horseshoe bats, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum Nippon
- 2021/12/23 Comparisons of Flow Dynamics of Dual-Blade to Single-Blade Beveled-Tip Vitreous Cutters
- 2021/12/20 A study On Support Selection Mechanism In Tendrils of Cayratia Japonica
- 2021/12/8 Change in spray behavior of pharmaceutical particles by creating bypass hole in dry powder inhaler
- 2021/10/31 Factors Affecting the Swallowing Dysfunction Following Oral Cancer Surgery
- 2021/10/30 Nuclear activation in dual-durotaxing cells on a matrix with cell-scale stiffness-heterogeneity
- 2021/10/15 Motion of Floating Caisson with Extended Bottom Slab under Regular and Irregular Waves
- 2021/10/14 Visualization of mandibular movement relative to the maxilla during mastication in mice: integration of kinematic analysis and reconstruction of a three-dimensional model of the maxillofacial structure
- 2021/9/20 Developmental trajectory of monopronucleated zygotes after in vitro fertilization when they include both male and female genomes
- 2021/9/14 Effect of electromyography-triggered peripheral magnetic stimulation on voluntary swallow in healthy humans
- 2021/7/27 Expiratory abdominal muscle nerve is active at flexor phase, while inspiratory phrenic nerve is not active during locomotion evoked by 5-HT and NMDA in the neonatal rat
- 2021/7 Understanding Others' Roles Based on Perspective Taking in Coordinated Group Behavior
- 2021/6/24 Changes in lumbopelvic motion and trunk muscle activity during 2000 m rowing ergometer trial
- 2021/6/20 Three-Dimensional Trajectory Construction and Observation of Group Behavior of Wild Bats During Cave Emergence
- 2021/6/20 Auditory Virtual Reality for Insect Phonotaxis
- 2021/5/25 Hydrodynamics of gliding penguin flipper suggests the adjustment of sweepback with swimming speeds
- 2021/5/7 Measurement of Aerodynamic Characteristics Using Cinder Models through Free Fall Experiment
- 2021/4/16 Validation of driver support system based on real-world bicycle and motor vehicle flows
- 2021/4/8 An Electrical Stimulation Culture System for Daily Maintenance-Free Muscle Tissue Production
- 2021/3/30 Effects of low occlusal loading on the neuromuscular behavioral development of cortically-elicited jaw movements in growing rats
- 2021/3/25 Cooperative positioning system for large objects consisting of three position-controlled manipulators with six wires
- 2021/3/17 Detection of poststroke oropharyngeal dysphagia with swallowing screening by ultrasonography
- 2021/3/10 A fundamental study on guides for visually impaired people crossing intersection of residential road using traffic safety measure
- 2021/2/15 Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Does Not Affect Muscle Synergy for Rowing Activities
- 2021/2/2 Quantitative analysis of spontaneous sociality in children’s group behavior during nursery activity
- 2021/1/28 Effects of cooling rate on solidification cracking behaviour in 310S stainless steel
- 2021/1/26 Development of Tailless Two-winged Flapping Drone with Gravity Center Position Control
- 2021/1/21 Laterally biased diffusion of males of the water flea Daphnia magna
- 2020/12/25 Fundamental study on fine wire EDM characteristics using γ-phase brass coated steel wire
- 2020/12 Video Motion Analysis of Cinder Models through Fall Experiment
- 2020/11/18 The bubble-induced population dynamics of fermenting yeasts
- 2020/10/28 Tongue muscle strength affects posterior pharyngeal wall advancement during swallowing: A cross-sectional study of outpatients with dysphagia
- 2020/9/7 Intracanal vaporized bubble kinetics and apical pressure during root canal irrigation activated by Er:YAG laser
- 2020/9/4 Effect of transverse ribs on axial displacement of rebars in bending
- 2020/8/13 The Effect of Particle Size and Surface Roughness of Spray-Dried Bosentan Microparticles on Aerodynamic Performance for Dry Powder Inhalation
- 2020/5/28 Effect of Pulse Energy, Pulse Frequency, and Tip Diameter on Intracanal Vaporized Bubble Kinetics and Apical Pressure During Laser-Activated Irrigation Using Er:YAG Laser
- 2020/5/5 SERS Active Hierarchical Nanopillar-huddle Array Fabricated via the Combination of Nanoimprint Lithography and Anodization
- 2020/3/23 Convection Dynamics Forced by Optical Trapping with a Focused Laser Beam
- 2020/3/5 Effects of surrounding gas on plasma-induced downward liquid flow
- 2020/2/20 Successful Treatment with the Chin-down Maneuver of Dysphagia Secondary to Descending Necrotizing Mediastinitis: A Case Study
- 2020/2/12 Dietary Value of Waste-Fed Rotifer Brachionus rotundiformis on the Larval Rearing of Japanese Whiting Sillago japonica
- 2020/2/7 A study on the analysis of troweling motion by plasterers
- 2020/1/31 Functional Analysis of Rhythmic Jaw Movements Evoked by Electrical Stimulation of the Cortical Masticatory Area During Low Occlusal Loading in Growing Rats
- 2020/1/24 The effects of sarcopenic dysphagia on the dynamics of swallowing organs observed on videofluoroscopic swallowing studies
- 2019/11/30 Evaluation of swallowing movement using ultrasonography
- 2019/11/14 Fluid flow analysis of laser-activated irrigation in the simulated root canal
- 2019/11/4 Disappearance of Vortex Lift in Low-Aspect-Ratio Wings at Very-low Reynolds Numbers
- 2019/9/17 Study of the Partitioning of Red Blood Cells Through Asymmetric Bifurcating Microchannels
- 2019/7/15 Locomotor kinematics and EMG activity during quadrupedal versus bipedal gait in the Japanese macaque
- 2019/3/28 Three Dimensional Motion Analysis of Hand Tremors During Endoscopic Ear Surgery
- 2019/1/30 Measurement of time-varying kinematics of a dolphin in burst accelerating swimming
- 2017/3/15 Field measurement of blade tip response of a medium size wind turbine in operation
- 2017/2/15 Boulder arrangement on a rocky ramp fishway based on the swimming behavior of fish
- 2017/1/28 Optimization of machining parameters and wire vibration in wire electrical discharge machining process
- 2017/1/26 Experimental study on the effect of a surrounding fluid on bovine sperm motility in three dimensions
- 2017/1/15 Evaluation of veteran seaman's skill of working a "Ro-scull" to propel Japanese traditional "Wasen-boat"-V
- 2017/1/13 Dysphagia in Multiple System Atrophy of Cerebellar and Parkinsonian Types
- 2016/12/2 The relationship between tongue pressure and hyoid excursion in swallowing jelly
- 2016/10/8 Effect of athletic event and individual differences on turn characteristics in the multistage 20-m shuttle running test
- 2016/9/15 Progressive impairment of cerebellar mGluR signalling and its therapeutic potential for cerebellar ataxia in spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 model mice
- 2016/8/24 Motion analysis of automobile after side collision
- 2016/7/3 Rebound Vibration of Two-Plates Bonded Model for an Internal Mirror of SLR Camera
- 2016/6/30 Intraperitoneal Mesenchymal Cells Promote the Development of Peritoneal Metastasis Partly by Supporting Long Migration of Disseminated Tumor Cells
- 2016/4/22 Assessment of the relationship between deformation characteristics and the presence of calcification in human atheromatous plaques using uniaxial stretching evaluations with digital image correlation, CT scanning and histological examination
- 2016/3/17 Relationship between elastic body shape and propulsive efficiency of aquatic propulsion mechanism
- 2016/3/11 High-speed Observation of Thin Wire Movement in Fine Wire EDM
- 2016/1/6 Relationship between Aspect Ratio and Flow Fields in a Rearing Tank
- 2015/12/28 Flutter Inhibition in a Bird-Inspired Reflection Wing
- 2015/12/15 Inhomogeneous distribution of Chlamydomonas in a cylindrical container with a bubble plume
- 2015/9/30 Effect of viscosity on motion characteristics of bovine sperm
- 2015/9/30 Experimental study on flow control of a rectangular jet
- 2015/8/20 Periodical structure of vortices in a semiconductor single wafer spin cleaner
- 2015/8/7 Nursing education to visualize the independence of sitting posture : Fundamental research on engineering analysis of posture
- 2015/6/29 Movement of mitral fibrous components in an isolated porcine working heart model
- 2015/6/15 Wind tunnel experiment on turbulent flow field around 2D street canyon with Eaves
- 2015/6/12 Centrifugal microfluidic platform for single-cell level cardiomyocyte-based drug profiling and screening
- 2015/5/20 Difference of Masticatory Motion with Bolus Sizes -Comparison of Children and Adults-
- 2015/4/1 Ca2+ and cAMP regulations of microtubule sliding in hyperactivated motility of bull spermatozoa
- 2015/3/25 Characteristics of New Tendril-less Sweetpea Cut Flower Cultivars and Evaluation of Their Labor Saving Effects Based on Operation Time and Motion Analysis
- 2015/3/25 Effects of Knee Joint Movement during Side-step Cutting Maneuvers in the Unanticipated Condition
- 2014/11/10 In situ observations of crack propagation and role of grain boundary microstructure in nickel embrittled by sulfur
- 2014/11/5 Estimation of Water Stress of Plant by Vibration Analysis of Leaf with High Speed Camera
- 2014/11/4 Measurement of Tsukuba Tornado with particle image velocimetry
- 2014/8/4 A trial wind turbine blade vibration measurement using 3dimensional motion analysis
- 2014/4/16 Postdeglutitive Residue in Idiopathic Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis:A Quantitative Videofluoroscopic Study
- 2014/3/24 Video Image Analysis of Suckling Movements in Healthy Infants
- 2013/9/30 Effect of Bolus Volume on Hyoid Movement in Normal Individuals
- 2012/9/3 Fundamental characteristics of fluidized bed with imparted particle swirl
- 2012/1/20 Visual motion with pink noise induces predation behaviour
- 2011/10/20 Predictors of Early Postoperative Physical Functions among People with Knee Osteoarthritis Undergoing Arthroplasty
- 2011/6/30 Analysis of Walking Skill with Trans-Femoral Prosthesis based on Inertia-Induced Measure
- 2011/4/3 Combustion improvement of a Compression Ignition Engine with a Common Rail DME Injection Equipment
- 2011/4/3 The flow analysis in perpendicularly made pipe
- 2011/4/3 An Analysis of Bicycle behavior to Extract Accident-related Factors in Non-signalized Intersection
- 2011/4/3 A Potential Model for Description of Motorcycle Behavior
- 2011/4/3 A Study of Welding Skill Analysis Aimed for the Skill Succession
- 2010/12/25 Fracture Behavior Observation of Wall-Thinned Pipes by Image Strain Measurement System
- 2010/6 Effects of contact angle on fingered flow during non-ponding infiltration into dry sand layers (Soil Physics)
High speed cameras
- 2024/3/31 Study of visual uroflowmetry with color laser-light sheets
- 2024/3/26 Development of a transplanter-based transplanter for vegetable seedlings cultured in a cuttable nursery mat
- 2024/3/18 Effect of particle size distribution on the transmission efficiency of atomized water to the tracheal tube
- 2024/1/24 Interareal Synaptic Inputs Underlying Whisking-Related Activity in the Primary Somatosensory Barrel Cortex
- 2024/1/4 Multiple ageing effects on testicular/epididymal germ cells lead to decreased male fertility in mice
- 2023/12/29 Influence of MHz-order acoustic waves on bacterial suspensions
- 2023/12/28 Performance evaluation of tether-net deployment with adjustable ejection angle
- 2023/12/15 Nasal polyps show decreased mucociliary transport despite vigorous ciliary beating
- 2023/9/13 An Experimental Study on Response and Control of a Flapping-Wing Aerial Robot Under Wind Gusts
- 2023/9/2 Rats adaptively seek information to accommodate a lack of information
- 2023/9/1 Bio-Inspired Aquatic Propulsion Mechanism Using Viscoelastic Fin Containing Fiber Composite Shear Thickening Fluid
- 2023/8/10 Cooperative contributions of the klf1 and klf17 genes in zebrafish primitive erythropoiesis
- 2023/7/10 Disruption of testis-enriched cytochrome c oxidase subunit COX6B2 but not 4 COX8C leads to subfertility
- 2023/7/3 The Lift Effects of Chordwise Wing Deformation and Body Angle on Low-Speed Flying Butterflies
- 2023/6/6 Progesterone increases the success of in vitro fertilization via enhanced sperm hyperactivation in mice
- 2023/5/29 Embodied latch mechanism of the mandible to power at ultra-high speed in the trap-jaw ant Odontomachus kuroiwae
- 2023/4/26 Flight dynamics in forward flights of cabbage white butterfly
- 2023/4/24 Particle Size-Dependent Component Separation Using Serially Arrayed Micro-Chambers
- 2023/4/23 Development and Performance Test of a Simulation-Based Tractor-Attachable Wind-Blast-Type Onion Stem Cutting Machine
- 2023/3/7 Experimental Analyses of Aerodynamic Force Generation and Wing Motion Associated with a Single-motor-driven Butterfly-inspired Flapping-wing Robot
- 2023/1/12 Design, development, and experiments of novel tether-net release mechanism
- 2022/12/31 Novel SPEF2 Variant in a Japanese Patient with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia: A Case Report and Literature Review
- 2022/12/28 Impact behavior of no-stirrup Reinforced Concrete Beam with Cushion
- 2022/12/21 TRPA1/M8 agonists upregulate ciliary beating through the pannexin-1 channel in the human nasal mucosa
- 2022/11/29 All-optical non-contact level sensor for liquid hydrogen
- 2022/11/24 Hybrid atmospheric pressure plasma generation and DC electrospray aerosolization of plasma-activated water for surface pathogen disinfection
- 2022/9/8 Kinematic Factors Associated with Hitting Hurdles during the Initial Phase of a 110-m Hurdle Race
- 2022/8/25 CO2-Laser-Micromachined, Polymer Microchannels with a Degassed PDMS slab for the Automatic Production of Monodispersed Water-in-Oil Droplets
- 2022/8/15 Development of a fine bubble generator through the active control of gas chamber pressure
- 2022/5/10 Droplet motion on a wrinkled PDMS surface with a gradient structural length scale shorter than the droplet diameter
- 2022/3/7 Gait switching with phase reversal of locomotory waves in the centipede Scolopocryptops rubiginosus
- 2022/2/28 Kastor and Polluks polypeptides encoded by a single gene locus cooperatively regulate VDAC and spermatogenesis
- 2022/2/9 The motor domain of testis-enriched kinesin KIF9 is essential for its localization in the mouse flagellum
- 2022/1/31 Expression of T-Type Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel in the Cilia of Human Nasal Epithelial Cells
- 2022/1/31 Vision-based vibration measurement of machine tool
- 2022/1/30 Morphological differences in tardigrade spermatozoa induce variation in gamete motility
- 2022/1/13 Performance of reinforced concrete beam with cushion subjected to impact loading
- 2021/12/23 Comparisons of Flow Dynamics of Dual-Blade to Single-Blade Beveled-Tip Vitreous Cutters
- 2021/10/26 The four-celled Volvocales green alga Tetrabaena socialis exhibits weak photobehavior and high-photoprotection ability
- 2021/9/9 Tracheal motile cilia in mice require CAMSAP3 for the formation of central microtubule pair and coordinated beating
- 2021/4/5 Muscle size of individual hip extensors in sprint runners: Its relation to spatiotemporal variables and sprint velocity during maximal velocity sprinting
- 2021/3/15 Identification of Upward Two-Phase Flow Regime Transition Region under High-Pressure Condition Using Deep Learning
- 2021/3/3 Highly-efficient Single Cell Placement on Cell Printing Nozzles with Closer Overhang Structure
- 2021/3/3 Development of Microdroplet-Based Electroporation System for Designing Cellular Functions (7th Report) -Influence of Pulsed Voltage Parameters on Electroporation Process-
- 2021/1/13 Rapid Prototyping 3D Model for PIV: Application in Human Trachea Model Flow Analysis
- 2020/12/25 Analysis of the hydrogen evolution reaction at Ni micro-patterned electrodes
- 2020/12/18 Difficult Cutting Property of NiTi Alloy and Its Mechanism
- 2020/12/9 In Situ Rubber-Wheel Contact on Road Surface Using Ultraviolet-Induced Fluorescence Method
- 2020/11/2 CFAP45 deficiency causes situs abnormalities and asthenospermia by disrupting an axonemal adenine nucleotide homeostasis module
- 2020/10/29 Region-Specific Loss of Two-Headed Ciliary Dyneins in Ascidian Endostyle
- 2020/10/27 Influenza A virus enhances ciliary activity and mucociliary clearance via TLR3 in airway epithelium
- 2020/10/15 Complete Republication: Fall Injury while the Parent Is Operating a Bicycle with an Infant in a Baby Carrier
- 2020/9/5 Solid Fraction Examination at Flow Cessation and Flow Cessation Mechanism of Al-Si-Mg Alloy
- 2020/8/19 Identification of the hypertension drug niflumic acid as a glycine receptor inhibitor
- 2020/8/13 The Effect of Particle Size and Surface Roughness of Spray-Dried Bosentan Microparticles on Aerodynamic Performance for Dry Powder Inhalation
- 2020/8/12 Cfap97d1 is important for flagellar axoneme maintenance and male mouse fertility
- 2020/7/23 Ribbing instability of Newtonian fluid coated on a topographic surface
- 2020/6/26 Glycine Receptor Autoantibodies Impair Receptor Function and Induce Motor Dysfunction
- 2020/6/26 Hydrophilic Coating of Copper Particle Monolayer Wicks for Enhanced Passive Water Transport
- 2020/2/2 Development of Experimental Apparatus to Analyze Diesel Spray Characteristics
- 2020/1/31 Functional Analysis of Rhythmic Jaw Movements Evoked by Electrical Stimulation of the Cortical Masticatory Area During Low Occlusal Loading in Growing Rats
- 2020/1/9 Sedimentation process of ashfall during a Vulcanian eruption as revealed by high-temporal-resolution grain size analysis and high-speed camera imaging
- 2019/12/16 Development of catheter-type tactile sensor composed of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) film
- 2019/12/6 Visualization of TiO2 Reduction Behavior in Molten Salt Electrolysis
- 2019/12/2 Decoding the essential interplay between central and peripheral control in adaptive locomotion of amphibious centipedes
- 2019/11/6 Phosphorylation of Gephyrin in Zebrafish Mauthner Cells Governs Glycine Receptor Clustering and Behavioral Desensitization to Sound
- 2019/8/20 Nozzle Array Integrated with Deterministic Single Cell Encapsulation for 3D Cell Printing
- 2019/8/1 Regional differences in Ca2+ entry along the proximal-middle-distal muscle axis during eccentric contractions in rat skeletal muscle
- 2019/7/22 Density and viscosity of liquid ZrO2 measured by aerodynamic levitation technique
- 2019/6/20 Calaxin is required for cilia-driven determination of vertebrate laterality
- 2019/5/16 Development and evaluation of a jaw-tracking system for mice: reconstruction of three-dimensional movement trajectories on an arbitrary point on the mandible
- 2019/4/5 A Study on Glide Characteristics of a Small Flapping Robot
- 2019/3/22 Twist-Induced Snapping in a Bent Elastic Rod and Ribbon
- 2019/2/26 Body-limb coordination mechanism underlying speed-dependent gait transitions in sea roaches
- 2019/2/19 Analysis of the effect of surface wettability on hydrogen evolution reaction in water electrolysis using micro-patterned electrodes
- 2019/2/11 Microtubule stabilizer reveals requirement of Ca2+-dependent conformational changes of microtubules for rapid coiling of haptonema in haptophyte algae
- 2019/1/22 Large Timescale Interrogation of Neuronal Function by Fiberless Optogenetics Using Lanthanide Micro-particles
- 2019/1/15 Molecular basis of wax-based color change and UV reflection in dragonflies
- 2019/1/8 Direct observation of breakdown trigger seeds in a normal-conducting rf accelerating cavity
- 2017/2/6 Effect of Wetting Phenomenon on Oscillation of Liquid Column in a U-shaped Tube
- 2017/1/15 Tank Test on Low Speed Maneuvering of a Ship with VecTwin Rudder
- 2016/10/19 Does the kinorhynch have a hydrophobic body surface? Measurement of the wettability of a meiobenthic metazoan
- 2016/1/6 Mutations in Subunits of the Activating Signal Cointegrator 1 Complex Are Associated with Prenatal Spinal Muscular Atrophy and Congenital Bone Fractures
- 2015/11/11 Relation between speed and spin of the ball in the forehand ground stroke of the world number one tennis player
- 2015/11/10 Development and Analysis of Walker Mechanism for Aged Persons for Reducing Impact Forces at the Time of Collision with a Step
- 2015/10/1 Sperm calcineurin inhibition prevents mouse fertility with implications for male contraceptive
- 2015/6/30 Optimal design for mesh shape of stents for internal carotid aneurysms
- 2015/6/24 The Mechanism of Shaken Baby Syndrome based on the Visualization of Intracranial Brain Motion
- 2015/6/7 Does laterality exist during side step cutting in female basketball player?
- 2015/1/20 The motion of a bubble rising through viscoelastic polymeric liquids
- 2015/1/15 Asymmetric hindwing foldings in rove beetles
- 2014/12/2 Sidestep cutting maneuvers in female basketball players: Stop phase poses greater risk for anterior cruciate ligament injury
- 2014/7/28 PIV measurement of vortical structures in a model of semiconductor single wafer cleaner
- 2013/11/13 Monitoring Escape and Feeding Behaviours of Cruiser Fish by Inertial and Magnetic Sensors
- 2011/12/31 Label-Free Shape-Based Selection of Cardiomyocytes with on-Chip Imaging Cell Sorting System
- 2011/12/31 Movement characteristics during the speed-increase phase in a ball bouncing task
- 2008/3/31 An experimental study of hydrodynamic forces acting on a submerged fin and induced velocity field
Eye tracking
- 2024/8/22 Tests of abnormal gaze behavior increase the accuracy of mild cognitive impairment assessments
- 2024/3/2 Eye-tracking analysis for situation awareness of incontinence pad changing during older adult nursing training: An observational study
- 2024/1/9 Assessing the Link between Nurses’ Proficiency and Situational Awareness in Neonatal Care Practice Using an Eye Tracker: An Observational Study Using a Simulator
- 2022/12/20 Cognition of Nursing Students and Instructors Based on Eye Movement Analysis in a Situation-based Simulation
- 2022/11/30 Elucidation of Brain Regions and Gaze Information at Visualize Self-Focused Attention and Other-Focused Attention in Social Anxiety
- 2022/10/26 Eye-Tracking-Based Analysis of Situational Awareness of Nurses
- 2022/4/8 Product Infographic Labeling on Food Packaging
- 2021/11/25 Estimation of English Proficiency by Eye Gaze and EEG Analysis in English Reading Using Self-Organizing Maps
- 2021/11/11 Characteristics of psychiatric nurses’ observation techniques for psychopathological symptoms
- 2021/9/25 Self-focused attention related to social anxiety during free speaking tasks activates the right frontopolar are
- 2021/06/11 Benefits of Product Infographic Labeling on Meat Packaging
- 2020/08/27 Experimental investigation of viewpoint in product disassembly
- 2020/01/31 A Method to Obtain Effective Attributes for Attractive Cosmetic Bottles by Deep Learning
- 2019/12/25 Comparative Analysis of Gaze Behaviors of Japanese Residents, Japanese Visitors, and Non-Japanese Visitors
- 2019/7/31 Real-Time Estimation of Psychological Load of Drivers Based on Multivariate Biosignal Analysis
- 2019/7/18 Model of Kawaii Cosmetic Bottle Evaluations by Thai and Japanese
- 2019/03/15 Static and Dynamic Analysis of Visual Behaviors of Japanese and Nonnatives
- 2017/07/31 A Study of Kawaii Feeling using Eye Tracking
- 2017/7/19 The effect of order of dwells on the first dwell gaze bias for eventually chosen items
- 2017/05/10 Comparing Japanese vs. Americans' Viewpoints Toward OTC drug Labels
- 2017/4/20 Analyses of information seeking behavior on hybrid information environment
- 2017/3/6 The Effects of Line Spacing and Itemization in Email
- 2016/11/15 Comparing Experts' vs. Non-experts' Viewpoints Toward OTC Drug Labels
- 2015/9/22 The effects of line spacing and itemization in email on subjective understanding
- 2015/9/2 Setting of the color and analysis of gaze direction when be reading the digital comics to corresponding to color blindness
- 2015/6/30 The analysis of visual attention in the task of inferring other person’s emotion
- 2015/4/30 Consumers' Viewpoints to the Labeling Information of OTC Medicines Can Change by Brand
- 2015/3/24 Analysis of Blueprint Reading Process Related to Technician’s Skills in Milling Operation
- 2015/3/19 A Cognitive Science Research on Thought Process of Curling Players
- 2013/6/30 Gaze bias in the early stage of visual decision making: Pattern-based analysis of first dwell duration
- 2012/10/1 An Application of Eye-Tracking Technology to Lesson Study Activities
- 2012/10/1 An Analysis of Comparative Observation with Eye-Tracking in Lesson Study Activities
Sperm analyzer
Human sperm
- 2024/1/29 Swim-up method is superior to density gradient centrifugation for preserving sperm DNA integrity during sperm processing
- 2024/1/22 Add-on effects of oral tocopherol supplementation to surgical varicocelectomy on the outcome of assisted reproductive technology: a single-center pilot study report
- 2023/9/8 Maternal body mass index is not associated with assisted reproductive technology outcomes
- 2023/4/5 Results of lifestyle modification promotion and reproductive/ general health check for male partners of couples seeking conception
- 2023/3 Effect of BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine on sperm morphokinetics and DNA integrity
A prospective observational study in Japan - 2023/2/8 The ratio of 2nd to 4th digit length and reproductive function of infertile male patients
- 2022/11/22 Impact of paternal age on IVF and pregnancy outcomes with only normal sperm parameters
- 2022/2/27 Effects of antioxidant co-supplementation therapy on spermatogenesis dysfunction in relation to the basal oxidation–reduction potential levels in spermatozoa: A pilot study
- 2021/10 Clinical Outcomes of Rescue Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection at Different Timings Following In Vitro Fertilization
- 2021/2/22 Aging increases oxidative stress in semen
- 2019/10/1 Cancer Chemotherapy and Chemiluminescence Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species in Human Semen
- 2019/9/3 Sperm cryopreservation for fertility preservation in male patients with cancer at a single-center in Japan
- 2019/8/24 Piezo‐assisted ICSI improves fertilization and blastocyst development rates compared with conventional ICSI in women aged more than 35 years
- 2018/10/24 Effect of Lepidium meyenii on in vitro fertilization via improvement in acrosome reaction and motility of mouse and human sperm
- 2017/10/31 Clinical value of the newly developed nomogram predicting the fertilization outcome in assisted reproductive technology (ART)
- 2017/9/27 Reactive oxygen species measured in the unprocessed semen samples of 715 infertile patients
- 2017/8/8 Relationship between Semenogelins bound to human sperm and other semen parameters and pregnancy outcomes
- 2016/3/23 Effect of density gradient centrifugation on reactive oxygen species in human semen
- 2016/3/1 Inverse correlation between reactive oxygen species in unwashed semen and sperm motion parameters as measured by a computer-assisted semen analyzer
- 2012/12/31 New method to estimate the possibility of natural pregnancy using computer-assisted sperm analysis
- 2012/5/25 A New Human Spermatozoon Selection Method Based on Penetration of Cervical Mucus for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
- 2011/4/3 Mathematical Analysis of Sperm Motility
- 2011/4/3 Examination of Sperm Curvature using CASA
- 2011/4/3 Method of Assessment of Fertility using the CASA system
Animal sperm
- 2025/1/25 Influences of 5-hydroxytriptamine on sperm hyperactivation and in vitro fertility in rats
- 2025/1/18 TCTEX1D2 is essential for sperm flagellum formation in mice
- 2024/12/22 Chloroquine inhibits artificial oocyte activation induced by ethanol or Sr2+ but not by sperm in mice
- 2024/12/9 Semen extender triggers a mild physiological inflammatory response in the uterus without disrupting sperm-uterine immune crosstalk in vitro in cattle
- 2024/10/26 Ccdc152 is not necessary for male fertility, but contributes to maintaining sperm morphology
- 2024/10/24 Tetraploidization Overcomes Male Hybrid Sterility in Dojo Loach Misgurnus Anguillicaudatus
- 2024/10/18 The Size of Sperm Head Influences the Fertilization and Gynogenetic Success in Teleost Fish
- 2024/9/23 Spermatozoa from male mice with infertility due to Odf4 deficiency can fertilize oocytes by in vitro fertilization
- 2024/8/30 Production of a heterozygous exon skipping model of common marmosets using gene-editing technology
- 2024/7/22 Kdm4d mutant mice show impaired sperm motility and subfertility
- 2024/6/27 TCTEX1D2 has two distinct functions in sperm flagellum formation in mice; cytoplasmic dynein 2 and inner dynein arm
- 2024/5/21 Gene-deficient mouse model established by CRISPR/Cas9 system reveals 15 reproductive organ-enriched genes dispensable for male fertility
- 2024/5/13 Treatment of mice with maternal intermittent fasting to improve the fertilization rate and reproduction
- 2024/2/10 Progesterone and estradiol regulate sperm hyperactivation and in vitro fertilization success in mice
- 2024/1/22 Add-on effects of oral tocopherol supplementation to surgical varicocelectomy on the outcome of assisted reproductive technology: a single-center pilot study report
- 2023/12/19 Activation of sperm Toll-like receptor 2 induces hyperactivation to enhance the penetration to mucus and uterine glands: a trigger for the uterine inflammatory cascade in cattle
- 2023/9/10 Enhancement of rat spermatozoal hyperactivation by progesterone
- 2023/6/6 Progesterone increases the success of in vitro fertilization via enhanced sperm hyperactivation in mice
- 2023/5/24 The Difference in Subpopulation Structures in Sex-Sorted and Non-Sorted Semen by Discriminant Analysis of Bull Sperm Motility Data Collected by a Computer-Assisted Sperm Analysis System
- 2023/4/10 Successful Production of Offspring Derived from Phospholipase C Zeta-Deficient Sperm by Additional Artificial Activation
- 2023/3/10 Pathological analysis of spermatic dysfunction following testicular ischemia-reperfusion injury
- 2023/2/20 The association of ODF4 with AK1 and AK2 in mice is essential for fertility through its contribution to flagellar shape
- 2023/1/17 Vasopressin V1a receptor and oxytocin receptor regulate murine sperm motility differently
- 2022/11/9 Efficacy of Carnosine administration along with or without Coenzyme Q10 on sodium valproate induced testicular toxicity in vivo models
- 2022/8/3 Metal deposition and shape reproduction at biological temperatures on cell-level samples
- 2022/7/29 Evolutionary differentiation of androgen receptor ohnologs is responsible for the development of androgen-dependent unique sexual characteristics in a teleost fish
- 2022/7/3 Effects of aging and oviductal hormones on testes, epididymides, and sperm of hamster
- 2022/6/14 Exogenous gamma-aminobutyric acid addition enhances porcine sperm acrosome reaction
- 2022/5/4 Abnormal male reproduction and embryonic development induced by downregulation of a phospholipid fatty acid-introducing enzyme Lpgat1 in zebrafish
- 2022/3/24 The studies on establishment of artificial insemination protocol in the Japanese macaque
- 2022/3/15 Semen collection by urethral catheterization and electro-ejaculation with different voltages, and the effect of holding temperature and cooling rate before cryopreservation on semen quality in the Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata)
- 2022/3/2 Transgenerational effects of bisphenol A on zebrafish reproductive tissues and sperm motility
- 2021/12/5 Effects of reduced glutathione supplementation in semen freezing extender on frozen-thawed bull semen and in vitro fertilization
- 2021/12/3 Zearalenone interferes with the sperm-triggered inflammation in the bovine uterus in vitro: Negative impact on sperm motility and survival
- 2021/09/30 Serotonergic signals enhanced hamster sperm hyperactivation
- 2021/4/5 Effects of Media and Frame Rates on Hyperactivated Bovine Sperm Motility and an Analysis of Sperm Motility Subpopulation Structures in Sex-Sorted and Non-Sorted Semen
- 2021/2/11 Peptidoglycan Switches Off the TLR2-Mediated Sperm Recognition and Triggers Sperm Localization in the Bovine Endometrium
- 2021/1/11 Expression and Possible Role of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor ε Subunit (AChRe) in Mouse Sperm
- 2020/12/11 In vitro survival kinetics of microfluidic-sorted bovine spermatozoa
- 2020/12/11 Ability of Ureaplasma parvum to invade mouse sperm, fertilize eggs through infected sperm, and impair mouse sperm function and embryo development
- 2020/11/12 Src family kinases-mediated negative regulation of sperm acrosome reaction in chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus)
- 2020/10/26 Macrophage ubiquitin-specific protease 2 contributes to motility, hyperactivation, capacitation, and in vitro fertilization activity of mouse sperm
- 2020/10/25 Effect of Anserine and Carnosine on Sperm Motility in the Japanese Quail
- 2020/6/30 Actions of various sweeteners on rat sperm
- 2020/4/30 Stromal cell-derived factor 1 regulates in vitro sperm migration towards the cumulus-oocyte complex in cattle
- 2020/1/28 Localisation and function of glucose transporter GLUT1 in chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) spermatozoa: relationship between ATP production pathways and flagellar motility
- 2019/11/6 Effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine on spermatozoal hyperactivation and in vitro fertilization in mice
- 2019/10/3 Odf2 haploinsufficiency causes a new type of decapitated and decaudated spermatozoa, Odf2-DDS, in mice
- 2018/12/1 Deletion of Eqtn in mice reduces male fertility and sperm–egg adhesion
- 2018/3/31 Cysteine dioxygenase is essential for mouse sperm osmoadaptation and male fertility
- 2018/3/19 Live births from artificial insemination of microfluidic-sorted bovine spermatozoa characterized by trajectories correlated with fertility
- 2017/10/13 Generation of transgenic marmosets using a tetracyclin-inducible transgene expression system as a neurodegenerative disease model
- 2017/9/1 Biological properties of mouse spermatozoa separated by using the microfluidic sperm sorter
- 2017/8/30 Enhancement of sperm motility and viability by turmeric by-product dietary supplementation in roosters
- 2017/4/1 Practical Reproductive Techniques for the Common Marmoset
- 2016/5/20 Exogenous neurotensin modulates sperm function in Japanese Black cattle
- 2015/10/25 Kinetic Analysis on the Motility of Liverwort Sperms Using a Microscopic
- 2015/3/28 Addition of D-penicillamine, hypotaurine, and epinephrine (PHE) mixture to IVF medium maintains motility and longevity of bovine sperm and enhances stable production of blastocysts in vitro
- 2014/12/31 Roles of extracellular ions and pH in 5-HT-induced sperm motility in marine bivalve
- 2011/12/31 Why small males have big sperm - dimorphic squid sperm linked to alternative mating behaviours